This is my personal project that I draw all Kitties DNA with myself.
Q1: Why using 8-bit style?
A1: Playing the first game in my childhood is developed in 8-bit, and I would like to start on the NFT art from 8-bit in the new start.
Q2: I'm painter?
A2: Sorry that, my professional is a project management in IT. Drawing is one of my hobby.
Q3: Is there have any roadmap?
A3: Yes, but I'm still building my team (actually it requires $$) for the next step. In my planning, it could be like a MOBOX (gamefi), that's why i named digit animals in my Opensea.
Q4: What if next collection?
A4: Next collection will be another animals (would not be Doggies), i would like to be a special animals or you can tell my over TWITTER or Discord (both channel is under creating - sorry again, just a one-man-band)
Q5; Where am i from?
A5: Hong Kong:)
Q6: Why I minted 1,000 Kitties already?
A6: Some Kitties will be personal collect like #1 (my 1st collection and 1st NFT), #888(well, lucky number)... some Kitties will airdrop to Kitties owner (might be you!), just by lucky draw. Details will update on each channel. Some Kitties will use on donation.